Welcome to the self-paced course on Indian classical instrumentals! In this course, we will embark on a captivating journey to explore the melodic enchantment of the flute, rhythmic brilliance of the tabla, and the thunderous beats of the mridangam. Join us as we dive into the intricacies of these mesmerizing Indian classical instruments.

Kala Swadhyaya - Instrumentals

Flute- Through detailed tutorials and demonstrations, you will learn the techniques to produce soul-stirring melodies, graceful ornamentations, and intricate phrasings. Our expert instructors will guide you through the basics of breath control, finger positioning, and embouchure to help you master this captivating instrument.

Mridangam – Learn the fundamentals of hand techniques, stroke patterns, and rhythmic variations. You will learn about the unique compositions, intricate solos, and rhythmic improvisations that define the art of mridangam playing. By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in playing the mridangam

Tabla -Dive into the intricate world of tabla beats, rhythms, and compositions. Our experienced tabla instructors will take you through a step-by-step learning process, starting from the basics of hand positioning and stroke techniques. You will progress to understanding the different taals (rhythmic cycles), bols (syllables), and their variations.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards an incredible learning experience! By choosing to register for this course, you are opening the doors to a world of knowledge and discovery.

Once you click on the above images, you will be seamlessly redirected to our user-friendly registration page. Upon successful registration, you will gain immediate access to our dynamic learning platform.

To ensure an enriching learning experience, each episode of the series is thoughtfully designed with drip content enabled. This means that you will need to watch the previous episode in its entirety before proceeding to the next one. By embracing this intentional approach, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the course material, allowing you to savor each episode’s wisdom and insights.