
Radhika Mohta and Shruti Wadhwa

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Radhika has completed her Masters (Nipun) from Bhatkhande Mahavidyalaya and (Bhaskar) from Pracheen Kala Kendra in Kathak.  She has completed Madhyama (4 years) from Gandharva Mahabidya in Bharatnatyam. She's been tutoring Kathak for the last 5 years and teaching Sri Sri Natya Course since 2017. She has performed in many national and international cultural events like Ranakpur fest, Govind Dev Ji Mandir, World Cultural Festival, IIT Kanpur, IIT Mumbai, and the International ghoomar festival.  She recently received Senior Scholarship in different cultural fields by CCRT, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

Shruti is a classically trained dancer with a Master's degree in Design. Dance has been her passion since childhood and has a major role in bringing out the personality that she is today after all these years. It has changed her life in every aspect including mental, emotional, and professional attributes.

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